Are you about to graduate from the University and do not know how to start your professional life as an architect? Here we tell you how to do it!
Many young architects find it difficult to start their professional life, here we tell you how you can make your way in the world of work as an architect.
Today in Arquinétpolis we will talk about a very interesting topic, if you are an architecture student, do not go! This will surely be very useful for you.
Currently the world of design, architecture and construction is saturated labor and every day is more difficult to become a place within a consolidated company, construction or architecture office.
Tips to start your Professional Life
The big question that many architecture students ask themselves when they leave the faculty is: what now? In general, the great majority dedicate a large part of their time to graduation to seek employment within companies or developers that allow them to have their first work experience, others decide to risk and venture to start their own office or architecture office, either on their own or meeting with other colleagues.

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There are also those who decide to find their own way as a freelance or independent professional, each of these cases has its own particularities, however all have in common the difficulty of starting from scratch and try to gain a foothold in this voracious work world.
It is also true that in most universities, faculties or study centers, students are not prepared for the time of graduation and to find a place to work, so we decided to do this article and tell you what the main challenges are. You will face the moment of leaving the faculty.
Tips for Architects
The main tips we can give you are the following:
- Do not despair Many make the mistake of despairing to not find a job quickly, this is a career of patience and perseverance.
- Offer good service This might sound obvious, but if you decide to face life as an independent architect you should focus on two fundamental aspects: The product (in this case a service) and the price.
- Risks Every venture has its risk, so it is important that before starting to start your own office or architecture office know all the risks and costs that means.
- Home Office If you decide to start from home you should also know how you can get the most out of this way of working, since it is a great alternative to start if you do not have the necessary resources to start your own office or office.
Well, as you can see the life of the architect in its infancy is never easy, you have to make many sacrifices and work hard to gradually go making a name in this world. Remember that to find more content like this you must go to