Do you want to improve your ability and speed of learning? Then you came to the right place! Here we will give you study techniques that will make you a better student.
If you are at the time of exams or final papers this article will be very useful as we will discuss how to improve school performance through study techniques.
Today we bring you an article that will surely be liked by all those students of Architecture, Engineering, Urbanism and Interior Design. Even those who are studying a Masters or Doctorate since we will give them useful tips and study techniques to improve their use and performance school.
Study Techniques for Architecture Students
During exams or final works it is important to make the most of the time we study to achieve optimal results. This is essential especially when you have many subjects to pass in the semester or have one, two or even three exams in a single day.
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Advice and study techniques
Below we will give you the following tips and techniques to improve school achievement.
- Organization. Key and fundamental point, for this you will need the help of your class schedule. It is easier to schedule your study days with reference to your class days, for example: If on Wednesday you have the History of Architecture class. The ideal is to study on Tuesday afternoon and give a review of what was seen in the previous class. In case you have an exam then the logical thing is to study the topics seen in that period of time.
- Management. Managing time is one of the keys to better school performance. Studying a whole book before the exam day is not the way to do it. You must dose each subject or chapter assigning a fair time to concentrate on it. It is advisable to make a special calendar with the dates of the exams and deliveries to prioritize and divide what you have to study each day.
- Recreation and rest. In the life of the student not everything is to live glued to a book or the computer, just as you are going to mark study times you must also mark times to perform some recreational activity. This can be doing some sport, going to the movies, etc. However, the time we dedicate to these activities should not be greater than the time we dedicate to the study. These activities help disconnect a bit and relax the brain, in addition to lowering stress levels.
Study Techniques
- Study techniques. Not all study techniques are for all subjects. We must choose the method that helps us optimize what is seen in class. You can rewrite the contents, highlight the main colors, make sketches, summaries, synoptic tables tell others, work in a group. Draw it, have it in photos or cards, reading a book on the subject, watching videos, reports or specialized websites.
- Environment. Prepare your environment and fixed space that is silent or with relaxing music and with the least number of distractions possible.
Habit. Make sure that your study hours are always at the same time to create a habit. A highly recommended time to study can be between lunch and dinner (between 6 and 8 PM). In case you study in the afternoon It is better to do it after breakfast.
- Goals. It is important to always set weekly or monthly goals. For example: Read or advance a certain number of topics or chapters of a subject.
- Assessment. It is convenient to do a self-analysis of what we do and see if that method or study technique is working. And if that is not the case, analyze why the results have not been given. But always doing so with self- review.
- Motivation. Always try to find motivation in your goals. If you have an important event such as a football game or a party. Try to concentrate as much as possible in your studio and see those events as an extra motivation or a prize.
A good student is not the one who spends more time studying, if not the one that takes advantage of and obtains a better performance of his hours of study. So far this article hoping that it has been to your liking and that you can apply these tips at the time of study. We invite you as always to join the blog community on social networks. For more content as this recommends and visit