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MARKETING for Architects

Are you about to open your office or do you already have one? Then this article is for you! Here we will tell you the marketing strategies with which you can improve the image of your office or office and turn it into a brand.

One of the benefits of developing a marketing strategy to turn your business or office into a brand is that you can exploit it more easily commercially and thereby reach more people and potential customers.

marketing for architects


    Marketing for Architects

    Today we will talk about a very interesting topic especially if you have your own office or office of Architecture. In this article we will focus more on the creation of a brand and the benefits it can give them to turn their business into a mark.

    For a freelance Architect, the creation of a brand is vital. Since it will make it easier to publicize their work and be easy for the client to recognize. This is a commercial instrument to promote or advertise. First of all we must know the meaning of the concepts «marketing» and «branding» and most importantly. The way we can use these instruments to grow your business.


    We will summarize these concepts to understand them better. Branding is a concept that refers to the process of creating a brand. While Marketing is the set of techniques to market a product (in this case a service). The main elements that make up Branding strategies are the following:

    • Identity. It is the most basic in the creation of a brand. This involves thinking and choosing a name for our brand as well as a logo that distinguishes us from the rest of the competition and that at the same time is attractive and transmits a personality and to a certain extent what we offer as a service.
    • Perception. The perception that we will give with our name and logo is important since it will be the idea with which the client will relate to our company. We must focus on the niche or market in which we want to specialize in order to facilitate the perception of our brand in the public.
    • The most important thing is that our name and logo have notoriety and are original. Since this notoriety we will see reflected in the ability of potential customers to remember the brand. Something that strikes us is much easier to remember so we must be attentive to it.

    In the field of construction, there is very little that independent professionals (architects, engineers, etc.) develop their own brand. Usually we see this much more in other professions as lawyers or administrators for example. If we really want our work to be known and reach as many people as possible. Then we should become familiar with the concepts of: Branding and Marketing.


    Once we have done the work of Branding with our brand then we can proceed to marketing strategies to spread and market it. Of course these processes require time and are not from one day to another. You need proof to make yourself known. Although the best recommendation will always be a quality work since our clients will recommend us to other clients due to the good work we do.

    In the same way, this can be the other way around and if we do not do quality work we can obtain bad recommendations or opinions. In terms of promotion there are different ways of developing a marketing strategy. Although lately the strategies are more oriented to the digital framework since in this globalized world the internet has become the digital tool par excellence.

    Social networks play a fundamental role for the markenting of companies. From the largest and most recognized brands to independent professionals and entrepreneurs. Continuing with the topic there are other tools that can help us in this work of marketing and marketing our brand and are the following.

    Social Media

    • Creation of a web page. There are free platforms such as Wix, Blogger and WordPress that allow us to create pages at no cost and where we can expose our work and offer our services.
    • Social networks. Create profiles of your office or company on social networks. With this you can reach more people outside your circle of acquaintances, friends and family.
      LinkedIn In this social network we can contact groups of specialized professionals where we can promote our services to companies.
    • Business cards and announcements. In this case to begin with we need to invest money to pay for the cards or the classified ad in a newspaper or publication although its scope will only be local or regional.

    I hope this article has been to your liking and that the information is useful. I invite you as always to join the blog community on Facebook. We read in future entries. Remember that for more content like this you must go to
